Source code for brewtils.choices

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Union

import six
from lark import Lark, Transformer

# Lark added some new errors in later versions
# Lark also moved around their error in 0.6.0
from brewtils.errors import PluginParamError
from brewtils.models import Choices

    from lark import ParseError
except ImportError:
    from lark.common import ParseError

    from lark import GrammarError, LexError
except ImportError:
    GrammarError = ParseError
    LexError = ParseError

choices_grammar = r"""
    func: CNAME [func_args]
    url: ADDRESS [url_args]
    reference: ref

    func_args: "(" [arg_pair ("," arg_pair)*] ")"
    url_args: "?" arg_pair ("&" arg_pair)*

    arg_pair: CNAME "=" ref
    ?ref: "${" CNAME "}"

    ADDRESS: /^http[^\?]*/

    %import common.CNAME
    %import common.WS
    %ignore WS

parsers = {
    "func": Lark(choices_grammar, start="func"),
    "url": Lark(choices_grammar, start="url"),
    "reference": Lark(choices_grammar, start="reference"),

[docs]class FunctionTransformer(Transformer):
[docs] @staticmethod def func(s): return {"name": str(s[0]), "args": s[1] if len(s) > 1 else []}
[docs] @staticmethod def url(s): return {"address": str(s[0]), "args": s[1] if len(s) > 1 else []}
[docs] @staticmethod def reference(s): return str(s[0])
[docs] @staticmethod def arg_pair(s): return str(s[0]), str(s[1])
func_args = list url_args = list
[docs]def parse(input_string, parse_as=None): """Attempt to parse a string into a choices dictionary. Args: input_string: The string to parse parse_as: String specifying how to parse `input_string`. Valid values are 'func' or 'url'. Will try all valid values if None. Returns: Dictionary containing the parse results Raises: lark.common.ParseError: Unable to find a valid parsing of `input_string` """ def _parse(_input_string, _parser): try: return FunctionTransformer().transform(_parser.parse(_input_string)) except (GrammarError, LexError, ParseError) as e: raise ParseError(e) if parse_as is not None: return _parse(input_string, parsers[parse_as]) else: for parser in parsers.values(): try: return _parse(input_string, parser) except ParseError: continue raise ParseError('Unable to successfully parse input "%s"' % input_string)
def _determine_display(display_value): if isinstance(display_value, six.string_types): return "typeahead" return "select" if len(display_value) <= 50 else "typeahead" def _determine_type(type_value): if isinstance(type_value, six.string_types): return "url" if type_value.startswith("http") else "command" return "static"
[docs]def process_choices(choices): # type: (Union[dict, str, Iterable, Callable]) -> Optional[Choices] """Process a choices definition into a usable Choices object Args: choices: Raw choices definition, usually from a decorator Returns: Choices: Dictionary that fully describes a choices specification """ if choices is None or isinstance(choices, Choices): return choices # If choices is a Callable, call it if callable(choices): choices = choices() if isinstance(choices, dict): if not choices.get("value"): raise PluginParamError( "No 'value' provided for choices. You must at least " "provide valid values." ) # Again, if value is a Callable, call it value = choices.get("value") if callable(value): value = value() display = choices.get("display", _determine_display(value)) choice_type = choices.get("type") strict = choices.get("strict", True) if choice_type is None: choice_type = _determine_type(value) elif choice_type not in Choices.TYPES: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices type '%s' - Valid type options are %s" % (choice_type, Choices.TYPES) ) else: if ( ( choice_type == "command" and not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, dict)) ) or (choice_type == "url" and not isinstance(value, six.string_types)) or (choice_type == "static" and not isinstance(value, (list, dict))) ): allowed_types = { "command": "('string', 'dictionary')", "url": "('string')", "static": "('list', 'dictionary)", } raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices value type '%s' - Valid value types for " "choice type '%s' are %s" % (type(value), choice_type, allowed_types[choice_type]) ) if display not in Choices.DISPLAYS: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices display '%s' - Valid display options are %s" % (display, Choices.DISPLAYS) ) elif isinstance(choices, str): value = choices display = _determine_display(value) choice_type = _determine_type(value) strict = True else: try: # Assume some sort of iterable value = list(choices) except TypeError: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid 'choices': must be a string, dictionary, or iterable." ) display = _determine_display(value) choice_type = _determine_type(value) strict = True # Now parse out type-specific aspects unparsed_value = "" try: if choice_type == "command": if isinstance(value, six.string_types): unparsed_value = value else: unparsed_value = value["command"] details = parse(unparsed_value, parse_as="func") elif choice_type == "url": unparsed_value = value details = parse(unparsed_value, parse_as="url") else: if isinstance(value, dict): unparsed_value = choices.get("key_reference") if unparsed_value is None: raise PluginParamError( "Specifying a static choices dictionary requires a " '"key_reference" field with a reference to another ' 'parameter ("key_reference": "${param_key}")' ) details = {"key_reference": parse(unparsed_value, parse_as="reference")} else: details = {} except ParseError: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices definition - Unable to parse '%s'" % unparsed_value ) return Choices( type=choice_type, display=display, value=value, strict=strict, details=details )