Source code for brewtils.decorators

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import functools
import inspect
import json
import os
import sys
from io import open
from types import MethodType
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, Union

import requests
import six

    from lark import ParseError
except ImportError:
    from lark.common import ParseError

from brewtils.choices import parse
from brewtils.errors import PluginParamError, _deprecate
from brewtils.models import Command, Parameter, Choices

if sys.version_info.major == 2:
    from funcsigs import signature, Parameter as InspectParameter  # noqa
    from inspect import signature, Parameter as InspectParameter  # noqa

__all__ = [

[docs]def client( _wrapped=None, # type: Type bg_name=None, # type: Optional[str] bg_version=None, # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> Type """Class decorator that marks a class as a beer-garden Client Using this decorator is no longer strictly necessary. It was previously required in order to mark a class as being a Beer-garden Client, and contained most of the logic that currently resides in the ``parse_client`` function. However, that's no longer the case and this currently exists mainly for back-compatibility reasons. Applying this decorator to a client class does have the nice effect of preventing linters from complaining if any special attributes are used. So that's something. Those special attributes are below. Note that these are just placeholders until the actual values are populated when the client instance is assigned to a Plugin: * ``_bg_name``: an optional system name * ``_bg_version``: an optional system version * ``_bg_commands``: holds all registered commands * ``_current_request``: Reference to the currently executing request Args: _wrapped: The class to decorate. This is handled as a positional argument and shouldn't be explicitly set. bg_name: Optional plugin name bg_version: Optional plugin version Returns: The decorated class """ if _wrapped is None: return functools.partial(client, bg_name=bg_name, bg_version=bg_version) # noqa # Assign these here so linters don't complain _wrapped._bg_name = bg_name _wrapped._bg_version = bg_version _wrapped._bg_commands = [] _wrapped._current_request = None return _wrapped
[docs]def command( _wrapped=None, # type: Union[Callable, MethodType] description=None, # type: Optional[str] parameters=None, # type: Optional[List[Parameter]] command_type="ACTION", # type: str output_type="STRING", # type: str schema=None, # type: Optional[Union[dict, str]] form=None, # type: Optional[Union[dict, list, str]] template=None, # type: Optional[str] icon_name=None, # type: Optional[str] hidden=False, # type: Optional[bool] ): """Decorator for specifying Command details For example: .. code-block:: python @command(output_type='JSON') def echo_json(self, message): return message Args: _wrapped: The function to decorate. This is handled as a positional argument and shouldn't be explicitly set. description: The command description. If not given the first line of the method docstring will be used. parameters: A list of Command parameters. It's recommended to use @parameter decorators to declare Parameters instead of declaring them here, but it is allowed. Any Parameters given here will be merged with Parameters sourced from decorators and inferred from the method signature. command_type: The command type. Valid options are Command.COMMAND_TYPES. output_type: The output type. Valid options are Command.OUTPUT_TYPES. schema: A custom schema definition. form: A custom form definition. template: A custom template definition. icon_name: The icon name. Should be either a FontAwesome or a Glyphicon name. hidden: Flag controlling whether the command is visible on the user interface. Returns: The decorated function """ if _wrapped is None: return functools.partial( command, description=description, parameters=parameters, command_type=command_type, output_type=output_type, schema=schema, form=form, template=template, icon_name=icon_name, hidden=hidden, ) new_command = Command( description=description, parameters=parameters, command_type=command_type, output_type=output_type, schema=schema, form=form, template=template, icon_name=icon_name, hidden=hidden, ) # Python 2 compatibility if hasattr(_wrapped, "__func__"): _wrapped.__func__._command = new_command else: _wrapped._command = new_command return _wrapped
[docs]def parameter( _wrapped=None, # type: Union[Callable, MethodType, Type] key=None, # type: str type=None, # type: Optional[str] multi=None, # type: Optional[bool] display_name=None, # type: Optional[str] optional=None, # type: Optional[bool] default=None, # type: Optional[Any] description=None, # type: Optional[str] choices=None, # type: Optional[Union[Dict, Iterable, str]] parameters=None, # type: Optional[List[Parameter]] nullable=None, # type: Optional[bool] maximum=None, # type: Optional[int] minimum=None, # type: Optional[int] regex=None, # type: Optional[str] form_input_type=None, # type: Optional[str] type_info=None, # type: Optional[dict] is_kwarg=None, # type: Optional[bool] model=None, # type: Optional[Type] ): """Decorator for specifying Parameter details For example:: @parameter( key="message", description="Message to echo", optional=True, type="String", default="Hello, World!", ) def echo(self, message): return message Args: _wrapped: The function to decorate. This is handled as a positional argument and shouldn't be explicitly set. key: String specifying the parameter identifier. If the decorated object is a method the key must match an argument name. type: String indicating the type to use for this parameter. multi: Boolean indicating if this parameter is a multi. See documentation for discussion of what this means. display_name: String that will be displayed as a label in the user interface. optional: Boolean indicating if this parameter must be specified. default: The value this parameter will be assigned if not overridden when creating a request. description: An additional string that will be displayed in the user interface. choices: List or dictionary specifying allowed values. See documentation for more information. parameters: Any nested parameters. See also: the 'model' argument. nullable: Boolean indicating if this parameter is allowed to be null. maximum: Integer indicating the maximum value of the parameter. minimum: Integer indicating the minimum value of the parameter. regex: String describing a regular expression constraint on the parameter. form_input_type: Specify the form input field type (e.g. textarea). Only used for string fields. type_info: Type-specific information. Mostly reserved for future use. is_kwarg: Boolean indicating if this parameter is meant to be part of the decorated function's kwargs. Only applies when the decorated object is a method. model: Class to be used as a model for this parameter. Must be a Python type object, not an instance. Returns: The decorated function """ if _wrapped is None: return functools.partial( parameter, key=key, type=type, multi=multi, display_name=display_name, optional=optional, default=default, description=description, choices=choices, parameters=parameters, nullable=nullable, maximum=maximum, minimum=minimum, regex=regex, form_input_type=form_input_type, type_info=type_info, is_kwarg=is_kwarg, model=model, ) new_parameter = Parameter( key=key, type=type, multi=multi, display_name=display_name, optional=optional, default=default, description=description, choices=choices, parameters=parameters, nullable=nullable, maximum=maximum, minimum=minimum, regex=regex, form_input_type=form_input_type, type_info=type_info, is_kwarg=is_kwarg, model=model, ) # Python 2 compatibility if hasattr(_wrapped, "__func__"): _wrapped.__func__.parameters = getattr(_wrapped, "parameters", []) _wrapped.__func__.parameters.insert(0, new_parameter) else: _wrapped.parameters = getattr(_wrapped, "parameters", []) _wrapped.parameters.insert(0, new_parameter) return _wrapped
[docs]def parameters(*args, **kwargs): """Decorator for specifying multiple Parameter definitions at once This can be useful for commands which have a large number of complicated parameters but aren't good candidates for a Model. .. code-block:: python @parameter(**params[cmd1][param1]) @parameter(**params[cmd1][param2]) @parameter(**params[cmd1][param3]) def cmd1(self, **kwargs): pass Can become: .. code-block:: python @parameters(params[cmd1]) def cmd1(self, **kwargs): pass Args: *args (iterable): Positional arguments The first (and only) positional argument must be a list containing dictionaries that describe parameters. **kwargs: Used for bookkeeping. Don't set any of these yourself! Returns: func: The decorated function """ # This is the first invocation if not kwargs.get("_partial"): # Need the callable check to prevent applying the decorator with no parenthesis if len(args) == 1 and not callable(args[0]): return functools.partial(parameters, args[0], _partial=True) raise PluginParamError("@parameters takes a single argument") # This is the second invocation else: if len(args) != 2: raise PluginParamError( "Incorrect number of arguments for parameters partial call. Did you " "set _partial=True? If so, please don't do that. If not, please let " "the Beergarden team know how you got here!" ) _deprecate( "Looks like you're using the '@parameters' decorator. This is now deprecated - " "for passing bulk parameter definitions it's recommended to use the @command " "decorator parameters kwarg, like this: @command(parameters=[...])" ) params = args[0] _wrapped = args[1] if not callable(_wrapped): raise PluginParamError("@parameters must be applied to a callable") try: for param in params: parameter(_wrapped, **param) except TypeError: raise PluginParamError("@parameters arg must be an iterable of dictionaries") return _wrapped
def _parse_client(client): # type: (object) -> List[Command] """Get a list of Beergarden Commands from a client object This will iterate over everything returned from dir, looking for metadata added by the decorators. """ bg_commands = [] for attr in dir(client): method = getattr(client, attr) method_command = _parse_method(method) if method_command: bg_commands.append(method_command) return bg_commands def _parse_method(method): # type: (MethodType) -> Optional[Command] """Parse a method object as a Beer-garden command target If the method looks like a valid command target (based on the presence of certain attributes) then this method will initialize things: - The command will be initialized. - Every parameter will be initialized. Initializing a parameter is recursive - each nested parameter will also be initialized. - Top-level parameters are validated to ensure they match the method signature. Args: method: Method to parse Returns: Beergarden Command targeting the given method """ if (inspect.ismethod(method) or inspect.isfunction(method)) and ( hasattr(method, "_command") or hasattr(method, "parameters") ): # Create a command object if there isn't one already method_command = _initialize_command(method) try: # Need to initialize existing parameters before attempting to add parameters # pulled from the method signature. method_command.parameters = _initialize_parameters( method_command.parameters + getattr(method, "parameters", []) ) # Add and update parameters based on the method signature _signature_parameters(method_command, method) # Verify that all parameters conform to the method signature _signature_validate(method_command, method) except PluginParamError as ex: six.raise_from( PluginParamError( "Error initializing parameters for command '%s': %s" % (, ex) ), ex, ) return method_command def _initialize_command(method): # type: (MethodType) -> Command """Initialize a Command This takes care of ensuring a Command object is in the correct form. Things like: - Assigning the name from the method name - Pulling the description from the method docstring, if necessary - Resolving display modifiers (schema, form, template) Args: method: The method with the Command to initialize Returns: The initialized Command """ cmd = getattr(method, "_command", Command()) = _method_name(method) cmd.description = cmd.description or _method_docstring(method) resolved_mod = _resolve_display_modifiers( method,, schema=cmd.schema, form=cmd.form, template=cmd.template ) cmd.schema = resolved_mod["schema"] cmd.form = resolved_mod["form"] cmd.template = resolved_mod["template"] return cmd def _method_name(method): # type: (MethodType) -> str """Get the name of a method This is needed for Python 2 / 3 compatibility Args: method: Method to inspect Returns: Method name """ if hasattr(method, "func_name"): command_name = method.func_name else: command_name = method.__name__ return command_name def _method_docstring(method): # type: (MethodType) -> str """Parse out the first line of the docstring from a method This is needed for Python 2 / 3 compatibility Args: method: Method to inspect Returns: First line of docstring """ if hasattr(method, "func_doc"): docstring = method.func_doc else: docstring = method.__doc__ return docstring.split("\n")[0] if docstring else None def _resolve_display_modifiers( wrapped, # type: MethodType command_name, # type: str schema=None, # type: Union[dict, str] form=None, # type: Union[dict, list, str] template=None, # type: str ): # type: (...) -> dict """Parse display modifier parameter attributes Returns: Dictionary that fully describes a display specification """ def _load_from_url(url): response = requests.get(url) if response.headers.get("content-type", "").lower() == "application/json": return json.loads(response.text) return response.text def _load_from_path(path): current_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(wrapped)) file_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(current_dir, path)) with open(file_path, "r") as definition_file: return resolved = {} for key, value in {"schema": schema, "form": form, "template": template}.items(): if isinstance(value, six.string_types): try: if value.startswith("http"): resolved[key] = _load_from_url(value) elif value.startswith("/") or value.startswith("."): loaded_value = _load_from_path(value) resolved[key] = ( loaded_value if key == "template" else json.loads(loaded_value) ) elif key == "template": resolved[key] = value else: raise PluginParamError( "%s specified for command '%s' was not a " "definition, file path, or URL" % (key, command_name) ) except Exception as ex: raise PluginParamError( "Error reading %s definition from '%s' for command " "'%s': %s" % (key, value, command_name, ex) ) elif value is None or (key in ["schema", "form"] and isinstance(value, dict)): resolved[key] = value elif key == "form" and isinstance(value, list): resolved[key] = {"type": "fieldset", "items": value} else: raise PluginParamError( "%s specified for command '%s' was not a definition, " "file path, or URL" % (key, command_name) ) return resolved def _sig_info(arg): # type: (InspectParameter) -> Tuple[Any, bool] """Get the default and optionality of a method argument This will return the "default" according to the method signature. For example, the following would return "foo" as the default for Parameter param: .. code-block:: python def my_command(self, param="foo"): ... The "optional" value returned will be a boolean indicating the presence of a default argument. In the example above the "optional" value will be True. However, in the following example the value would be False (and the "default" value will be None): .. code-block:: python def my_command(self, param): ... A separate optional return is needed to indicate when a default is provided in the signature, but the default is None. In the following, the default will still be None, but the optional value will be True: .. code-block:: python def my_command(self, param=None): ... Args: arg: The method argument Returns: Tuple of (signature default, optionality) """ if arg.default != InspectParameter.empty: return arg.default, True return None, False def _initialize_parameter( param=None, key=None, type=None, multi=None, display_name=None, optional=None, default=None, description=None, choices=None, parameters=None, nullable=None, maximum=None, minimum=None, regex=None, form_input_type=None, type_info=None, is_kwarg=None, model=None, ): # type: (...) -> Parameter """Initialize a Parameter This exists to move logic out of the @parameter decorator. Previously there was a fair amount of logic in the decorator, which meant that it wasn't feasible to create a Parameter without using it. This made things like nested models difficult to do correctly. There are also some checks and translation that need to happen for every Parameter, most notably the "choices" attribute. This method also ensures that these checks and translations occur for child Parameters. Args: param: An already-created Parameter. If this is given all the other Parameter-creation kwargs will be ignored Keyword Args: Will be used to construct a new Parameter """ param = param or Parameter( key=key, type=type, multi=multi, display_name=display_name, optional=optional, default=default, description=description, choices=choices, parameters=parameters, nullable=nullable, maximum=maximum, minimum=minimum, regex=regex, form_input_type=form_input_type, type_info=type_info, is_kwarg=is_kwarg, model=model, ) # Every parameter needs a key, so stop that right here if param.key is None: raise PluginParamError("Attempted to create a parameter without a key") param.type = _format_type(param.type) param.choices = _format_choices(param.choices) # Type info is where type specific information goes. For now, this is specific # to file types. See #289 for more details. if param.type == "Bytes": param.type_info = {"storage": "gridfs"} # Nullifying default file parameters for safety if param.type == "Base64": param.default = None # Now deal with nested parameters if param.parameters or param.model: if param.model: # Can't specify a model and parameters - which should win? if param.parameters: raise PluginParamError( "Error initializing parameter '%s': A parameter with both a model " "and nested parameters is not allowed" % param.key ) param.parameters = param.model.parameters param.model = None param.type = "Dictionary" param.parameters = _initialize_parameters(param.parameters) return param def _format_type(param_type): # type: (Any) -> str """Parse Parameter type Args: param_type: Raw Parameter type, usually from a decorator Returns: Properly formatted string describing the parameter type """ if param_type == str: return "String" elif param_type == int: return "Integer" elif param_type == float: return "Float" elif param_type == bool: return "Boolean" elif param_type == dict: return "Dictionary" elif str(param_type).lower() == "file": return "Bytes" elif str(param_type).lower() == "datetime": return "DateTime" elif not param_type: return "Any" else: return str(param_type).title() def _format_choices(choices): # type: (Union[dict, str, Iterable]) -> Optional[Choices] """Parse choices definition Args: choices: Raw choices definition, usually from a decorator Returns: Choices: Dictionary that fully describes a choices specification """ def determine_display(display_value): if isinstance(display_value, six.string_types): return "typeahead" return "select" if len(display_value) <= 50 else "typeahead" def determine_type(type_value): if isinstance(type_value, six.string_types): return "url" if type_value.startswith("http") else "command" return "static" if choices is None or isinstance(choices, Choices): return choices if isinstance(choices, dict): if not choices.get("value"): raise PluginParamError( "No 'value' provided for choices. You must at least " "provide valid values." ) value = choices.get("value") display = choices.get("display", determine_display(value)) choice_type = choices.get("type") strict = choices.get("strict", True) if choice_type is None: choice_type = determine_type(value) elif choice_type not in Choices.TYPES: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices type '%s' - Valid type options are %s" % (choice_type, Choices.TYPES) ) else: if ( ( choice_type == "command" and not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, dict)) ) or (choice_type == "url" and not isinstance(value, six.string_types)) or (choice_type == "static" and not isinstance(value, (list, dict))) ): allowed_types = { "command": "('string', 'dictionary')", "url": "('string')", "static": "('list', 'dictionary)", } raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices value type '%s' - Valid value types for " "choice type '%s' are %s" % (type(value), choice_type, allowed_types[choice_type]) ) if display not in Choices.DISPLAYS: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices display '%s' - Valid display options are %s" % (display, Choices.DISPLAYS) ) elif isinstance(choices, str): value = choices display = determine_display(value) choice_type = determine_type(value) strict = True else: try: # Assume some sort of iterable value = list(choices) except TypeError: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid 'choices': must be a string, dictionary, or iterable." ) display = determine_display(value) choice_type = determine_type(value) strict = True # Now parse out type-specific aspects unparsed_value = "" try: if choice_type == "command": if isinstance(value, six.string_types): unparsed_value = value else: unparsed_value = value["command"] details = parse(unparsed_value, parse_as="func") elif choice_type == "url": unparsed_value = value details = parse(unparsed_value, parse_as="url") else: if isinstance(value, dict): unparsed_value = choices.get("key_reference") if unparsed_value is None: raise PluginParamError( "Specifying a static choices dictionary requires a " '"key_reference" field with a reference to another ' 'parameter ("key_reference": "${param_key}")' ) details = {"key_reference": parse(unparsed_value, parse_as="reference")} else: details = {} except ParseError: raise PluginParamError( "Invalid choices definition - Unable to parse '%s'" % unparsed_value ) return Choices( type=choice_type, display=display, value=value, strict=strict, details=details ) def _initialize_parameters(parameter_list): # type: (Iterable[Parameter, object, dict]) -> List[Parameter] """Initialize Parameters from a list of parameter definitions This exists for backwards compatibility with the old way of specifying Models. Previously, models were defined by creating a class with a ``parameters`` class attribute. This required constructing each parameter manually, without using the ``@parameter`` decorator. This function takes a list where members can be any of the following: - A Parameter object - A class object with a ``parameters`` attribute - A dict containing kwargs for constructing a Parameter The Parameters in the returned list will be initialized. See the function ``_initialize_parameter`` for information on what that entails. Args: parameter_list: List of parameter precursors Returns: List of initialized parameters """ initialized_params = [] for param in parameter_list: # This is already a Parameter. Only really need to interpret the choices # definition and recurse down into nested Parameters if isinstance(param, Parameter): initialized_params.append(_initialize_parameter(param=param)) # This is a model class object. Needed for backwards compatibility # See elif hasattr(param, "parameters"): _deprecate( "Constructing a nested Parameters list using model class objects " "is deprecated. Please pass the model's parameter list directly." ) initialized_params += _initialize_parameters(param.parameters) # This is a dict of Parameter kwargs elif isinstance(param, dict): initialized_params.append(_initialize_parameter(**param)) # No clue! else: raise PluginParamError("Unable to generate parameter from '%s'" % param) return initialized_params def _signature_parameters(cmd, method): # type: (Command, MethodType) -> Command """Add and/or modify a Command's parameters based on the method signature This will add / modify the Command's parameter list: - Any arguments in the method signature that were not already known Parameters will be added - Any arguments that WERE already known (most likely from a @parameter decorator) will potentially have their default and optional values updated: - If either attribute is already defined (specified in the decorator) then that value will be used. Explicit values will NOT be overridden. - If the default attribute is not already defined then it will be set to the value of the default parameter from the method signature, if any. - If the optional attribute is not already defined then it will be set to True if a default value exists in the method signature, otherwise it will be set to False. The parameter modification is confusing - see the _sig_info docstring for examples. A final note - I'm not super happy about this. It makes sense - positional arguments are "required", so mark them as non-optional. It's not *wrong*, but it's unexpected. A @parameter that doesn't specify "optional=" will have a different optionality based on the function signature. Regardless, we went with this originally. If we want to change it we need to go though a deprecation cycle and *loudly* publicize it since things wouldn't break loudly for plugin developers, their plugins would just be subtly (but importantly) different. Args: cmd: The Command to modify method: Method to parse Returns: Command with modified parameter list """ # Now we need to reconcile the parameters with the method signature for index, arg in enumerate(signature(method).parameters.values()): # Don't want to include special parameters if (index == 0 and in ("self", "cls")) or arg.kind in ( InspectParameter.VAR_KEYWORD, InspectParameter.VAR_POSITIONAL, ): continue # Grab default and optionality according to the signature. We'll need it later. sig_default, sig_optional = _sig_info(arg) # Here the parameter was not previously defined so just add it to the list if not in cmd.parameter_keys(): cmd.parameters.append( _initialize_parameter(, default=sig_default, optional=sig_optional ) ) # Here the parameter WAS previously defined. So we potentially need to update # the default and optional values (if they weren't explicitly set). else: param = cmd.get_parameter_by_key( if param.default is None: param.default = sig_default if param.optional is None: param.optional = sig_optional return cmd def _signature_validate(cmd, method): # type: (Command, MethodType) -> None """Ensure that a Command conforms to the method signature This will do some validation and will raise a PluginParamError if there are any issues. It's expected that this will only be called for Parameters where this makes sense (aka top-level Parameters). It doesn't make sense to call this for model Parameters, so you shouldn't do that. Args: cmd: Command to validate method: Target method object Returns: None Raises: PluginParamError: There was a validation problem """ for param in cmd.parameters: sig_param = None has_kwargs = False for p in signature(method).parameters.values(): if == param.key: sig_param = p if p.kind == InspectParameter.VAR_KEYWORD: has_kwargs = True # Couldn't find the parameter. That's OK if this parameter is meant to be part # of the **kwargs AND the function has a **kwargs parameter. if sig_param is None: if not param.is_kwarg: raise PluginParamError( "Parameter was not not marked as part of kwargs and wasn't found " "in the method signature (should is_kwarg be True?)" ) elif not has_kwargs: raise PluginParamError( "Parameter was declared as a kwarg (is_kwarg=True) but the method " "signature does not declare a **kwargs parameter" ) # Cool, found the parameter. Just verify that it's not pure positional and that # it's not marked as part of kwargs. else: if param.is_kwarg: raise PluginParamError( "Parameter was marked as part of kwargs but was found in the " "method signature (should is_kwarg be False?)" ) # I don't think this is even possible in Python < 3.8 if sig_param.kind == InspectParameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY: raise PluginParamError( "Sorry, positional-only type parameters are not supported" ) # Alias the old names for compatibility # This isn't deprecated, see system = client def command_registrar(*args, **kwargs): _deprecate( "Looks like you're using the '@command_registrar' decorator. Heads up - this " "name will be removed in version 4.0, please use '@system' instead. Thanks!" ) return system(*args, **kwargs) def register(*args, **kwargs): _deprecate( "Looks like you're using the '@register' decorator. Heads up - this name will " "be removed in version 4.0, please use '@command' instead. Thanks!" ) return command(*args, **kwargs) def plugin_param(*args, **kwargs): _deprecate( "Looks like you're using the '@plugin_param' decorator. Heads up - this name " "will be removed in version 4.0, please use '@parameter' instead. Thanks!" ) return parameter(*args, **kwargs)