Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import functools
import json
from typing import Any, List
from base64 import b64encode

import requests.exceptions
import urllib3
from requests import Response, Session
from requests.utils import quote
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from yapconf import YapconfSpec

import brewtils.plugin
from brewtils.errors import _deprecate
from import normalize_url_prefix
from brewtils.specification import _CONNECTION_SPEC

[docs]def enable_auth(method): """Decorate methods with this to enable using authentication""" @functools.wraps(method) def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): original_response = method(self, *args, **kwargs) if original_response.status_code != 401: return original_response # Try to use credentials if (self.username and self.password) or self.client_cert: credential_response = self.get_tokens() if credential_response.ok: return method(self, *args, **kwargs) # Authenticate and retry failed; just return the original response return original_response return wrapper
[docs]class TimeoutAdapter(HTTPAdapter): """Transport adapter with a default request timeout""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", None) super(TimeoutAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def send(self, *args, **kwargs): """Sends PreparedRequest object with specified timeout.""" kwargs["timeout"] = kwargs.get("timeout") or self.timeout return super(TimeoutAdapter, self).send(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class RestClient(object): """HTTP client for communicating with Beer-garden. The is the low-level client responsible for making the actual REST calls. Other clients (e.g. :py:class:``) build on this by providing useful abstractions. Args: bg_host (str): Beer-garden hostname bg_port (int): Beer-garden port bg_url_prefix (str): URL path that will be used as a prefix when communicating with Beer-garden. Useful if Beer-garden is running on a URL other than '/'. ssl_enabled (bool): Whether to use SSL for Beer-garden communication ca_cert (str): Path to certificate file containing the certificate of the authority that issued the Beer-garden server certificate ca_verify (bool): Whether to verify Beer-garden server certificate client_cert (str): Path to client certificate to use when communicating with Beer-garden api_version (int): Beer-garden API version to use client_timeout (int): Max time to wait for Beer-garden server response username (str): Username for Beer-garden authentication password (str): Password for Beer-garden authentication access_token (str): Access token for Beer-garden authentication refresh_token (deprecated): Refresh token for Beer-garden authentication """ # Latest API version currently released LATEST_VERSION = 1 JSON_HEADERS = {"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "text/plain"} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._config = self._load_config(args, kwargs) self.bg_host = self._config.bg_host self.bg_port = self._config.bg_port self.bg_prefix = self._config.bg_url_prefix self.api_version = self._config.api_version self.username = self._config.username self.password = self._config.password self.access_token = self._config.access_token self.refresh_token = self._config.refresh_token self.client_cert = self._config.client_cert self.client_key = self._config.client_key # Configure the session to use when making requests self.session = Session() if self._config.proxy: if self._config.ssl_enabled: self.session.proxies.update({"https": self._config.proxy}) else: self.session.proxies.update({"http": self._config.proxy}) # This is what Requests is expecting if self._config.client_key: self.session.cert = (self._config.client_cert, self._config.client_key) else: self.session.cert = self._config.client_cert if not self._config.ca_verify: urllib3.disable_warnings() self.session.verify = False elif self._config.ca_cert: self.session.verify = self._config.ca_cert client_timeout = self._config.client_timeout if client_timeout == -1: client_timeout = None # Having two is kind of strange to me, but this is what Requests does self.session.mount("https://", TimeoutAdapter(timeout=client_timeout)) self.session.mount("http://", TimeoutAdapter(timeout=client_timeout)) # Configure the beer-garden URLs self.base_url = "%s://%s:%s%s" % ( "https" if self._config.ssl_enabled else "http", self.bg_host, self.bg_port, normalize_url_prefix(self.bg_prefix), ) self.version_url = self.base_url + "version" self.config_url = self.base_url + "config" if self.api_version == 1: self.garden_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/gardens/" self.system_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/systems/" self.instance_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/instances/" self.command_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/commands/" self.request_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/requests/" self.queue_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/queues/" self.logging_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/logging/" self.job_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/jobs/" self.job_export_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/export/jobs/" self.job_import_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/import/jobs/" self.token_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/token/" self.user_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/users/" self.admin_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/admin/" self.forward_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/forward" # Deprecated self.logging_config_url = self.base_url + "api/v1/config/logging/" # Beta self.event_url = self.base_url + "api/vbeta/events/" self.chunk_url = self.base_url + "api/vbeta/chunks/" self.file_url = self.base_url + "api/vbeta/file/" else: raise ValueError("Invalid Beer-garden API version: %s" % self.api_version) @staticmethod def _load_config(args, kwargs): """Load a config based on the CONNECTION section of the Brewtils Specification This will load a configuration with the following source precedence: 1. kwargs 2. kwargs with "old" names ("host", "port", "url_prefix") 3. host and port passed as positional arguments 4. the global configuration (brewtils.plugin.CONFIG) Args: args (deprecated): host and port kwargs: Standard connection arguments to be used Returns: The resolved configuration object """ spec = YapconfSpec(_CONNECTION_SPEC) renamed = {} for key in ["host", "port", "url_prefix"]: if kwargs.get(key): renamed["bg_" + key] = kwargs.get(key) positional = {} if len(args) > 0: _deprecate( "Heads up - passing bg_host as a positional argument is deprecated " "and will be removed in version 4.0", stacklevel=kwargs.get("stacklevel", 3), ) positional["bg_host"] = args[0] if len(args) > 1: _deprecate( "Heads up - passing bg_port as a positional argument is deprecated " "and will be removed in version 4.0", stacklevel=kwargs.get("stacklevel", 3), ) positional["bg_port"] = args[1] return spec.load_config(*[kwargs, renamed, positional, brewtils.plugin.CONFIG])
[docs] def can_connect(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> bool """Determine if a connection to the Beer-garden server is possible Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to Requests session call Returns: A bool indicating if the connection attempt was successful. Will return False only if a ConnectionError is raised during the attempt. Any other exception will be re-raised. Raises: requests.exceptions.RequestException: The connection attempt resulted in an exception that indicates something other than a basic connection error. For example, an error with certificate verification. """ try: self.session.get(self.config_url, **kwargs) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex: if type(ex) == requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: return False raise return True
[docs] @enable_auth def get_version(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Response """Perform a GET to the version URL Args: **kwargs (deprecated): Unused. Accepted for compatibility. Returns: Requests Response object """ if kwargs: _deprecate( "Keyword arguments for get_version are no longer used and will be " "removed in a future release." ) return self.session.get(self.version_url)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_config(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Response """Perform a GET to the config URL Args: **kwargs (deprecated): Unused. Accepted for compatibility. Returns: Requests Response object """ if kwargs: _deprecate( "Keyword arguments for get_config are no longer used and will be " "removed in a future release." ) return self.session.get(self.config_url)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_logging_config(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Response """Perform a GET to the logging config URL Args: **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.logging_url, params=kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_garden(self, garden_name, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Response """Performs a GET on the Garden URL Args: garden_name: Name of garden to retreive **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ # quote will URL encode the Garden name return self.session.get(self.garden_url + quote(garden_name), params=kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def post_gardens(self, payload): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a POST on the Garden URL Args: payload: New Garden definition Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.garden_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_garden(self, garden_name): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a DELETE on a Garden URL Args: garden_name: Name of Garden to delete Returns: Requests Response object """ # quote will URL encode the Garden name return self.session.delete(self.garden_url + quote(garden_name))
[docs] @enable_auth def get_systems(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Response """Perform a GET on the System collection URL Args: **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.system_url, params=kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_system(self, system_id, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Response """Performs a GET on the System URL Args: system_id: System ID **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.system_url + system_id, params=kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def post_systems(self, payload): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a POST on the System URL Args: payload: New System definition Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.system_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] @enable_auth def patch_system(self, system_id, payload): # type: (str, str) -> Response """Performs a PATCH on a System URL Args: system_id: System ID payload: Serialized PatchOperation Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.patch( self.system_url + str(system_id), data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_system(self, system_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a DELETE on a System URL Args: system_id: System ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.delete(self.system_url + system_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_instance(self, instance_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a GET on the Instance URL Args: instance_id: Instance ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.instance_url + instance_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def patch_instance(self, instance_id, payload): # type: (str, str) -> Response """Performs a PATCH on the instance URL Args: instance_id: Instance ID payload: Serialized PatchOperation Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.patch( self.instance_url + str(instance_id), data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS, )
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_instance(self, instance_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a DELETE on an Instance URL Args: instance_id: Instance ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.delete(self.instance_url + instance_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_commands(self): # type: () -> Response """Performs a GET on the Commands URL Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.command_url)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_command(self, command_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a GET on the Command URL Args: command_id: Command ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.command_url + command_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_requests(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Response """Performs a GET on the Requests URL Args: **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.request_url, params=kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_request(self, request_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a GET on the Request URL Args: request_id: Request ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.request_url + request_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def post_requests(self, payload, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Response """Performs a POST on the Request URL Args: payload: New Request definition **kwargs: Extra request parameters Keyword Args: blocking: Wait for request to complete timeout: Maximum seconds to wait Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.request_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS, params=kwargs )
[docs] @enable_auth def patch_request(self, request_id, payload): # type: (str, str) -> Response """Performs a PATCH on the Request URL Args: request_id: Request ID payload: Serialized PatchOperation Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.patch( self.request_url + str(request_id), data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] @enable_auth def post_event(self, payload, publishers=None): # type: (str, List[str]) -> Response """Performs a POST on the event URL Args: payload: Serialized new event definition publishers: Array of publishers to use Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.event_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS, params={"publisher": publishers} if publishers else None, )
[docs] @enable_auth def get_queues(self): # type: () -> Response """Performs a GET on the Queues URL Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.queue_url)
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_queues(self): # type: () -> Response """Performs a DELETE on the Queues URL Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.delete(self.queue_url)
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_queue(self, queue_name): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a DELETE on a specific Queue URL Args: queue_name: Queue name Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.delete(self.queue_url + quote(queue_name))
[docs] @enable_auth def get_jobs(self, **kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Response """Performs a GET on the Jobs URL. Args: **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.job_url, params=kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_job(self, job_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a GET on the Job URL Args: job_id: Job ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.job_url + job_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def post_jobs(self, payload): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a POST on the Job URL Args: payload: New Job definition Returns: Requests Response object """ return, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS)
[docs] def post_execute_job(self, job_id, reset_interval=False): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a POST on the Job Execute URL Args: job_id: The ID of the Job reset_interval: Sets interval of job to restart now Returns: Request Response object """ url_params = {} if reset_interval: url_params["reset_interval"] = "True" return self.job_url + job_id + "/execute", headers=self.JSON_HEADERS, params=url_params, )
[docs] @enable_auth def post_export_jobs(self, payload): # type: (str) -> Response """Perform a POST on the Job export URL. Args: payload: Serialized list of Jobs Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.job_export_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] @enable_auth def post_import_jobs(self, payload): # type: (str) -> Response """Perform a POST on the Job import URL. Args: payload: Serialized list of job definitions Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.job_import_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] @enable_auth def patch_job(self, job_id, payload): # type: (str, str) -> Response """Performs a PATCH on the Job URL Args: job_id: Job ID payload: Serialized PatchOperation Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.patch( self.job_url + str(job_id), data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_job(self, job_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a DELETE on a Job URL Args: job_id: Job ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.delete(self.job_url + job_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_file(self, file_id, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Response """Performs a GET on the specific File URL Args: file_id: File ID **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.file_url + file_id, **kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def post_file(self, data): # type: (bytes) -> Response """Performs a PUT on the file URL Args: data: Data bytes Returns: A Requests Response object """ return, data=data)
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_file(self, file_id): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a DELETE on the specific File URL Args: file_id: File ID Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.delete(self.file_url + file_id)
[docs] @enable_auth def get_chunked_file(self, file_id, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Response """Performs a GET on the specific File URL Args: file_id: File ID **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.chunk_url + "?file_id=" + file_id, **kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def delete_chunked_file(self, file_id, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Response """Performs a GET on the specific File URL Args: file_id: File ID **kwargs: Query parameters to be used in the GET request Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.delete(self.chunk_url + "?file_id=" + file_id, **kwargs)
[docs] @enable_auth def post_chunked_file(self, fd, file_params, current_position=0): """Performs a POST on the file URL. Args: fd: A file descriptor file_params: Metadata about the file current_position: The current cursor position for the file object Returns: A Requests Response object """ # This is here in case we have not authenticated yet. Without this # code, it is possible for us to perform the POST, which will call # read on each of the files, that method fails with a 4XX, we then # authenticate and try again, only to post an empty file. # Establish a top-level file handle first result = self.session.get(self.chunk_url + "id/", params=file_params) if not result.ok: raise RuntimeError("Could not request file ID for file %s" % file_id = result.json()["details"]["file_id"] offset = 0 retry = 0 # Break up the file into chunks and send them while True: current_cursor = fd.tell() data =["chunk_size"]) if not data: break if type(data) != bytes: data = bytes(data, "utf-8") data = b64encode(data) chunk_result = self.chunk_url + "?file_id=" + file_id, json={"data": data, "offset": offset}, ) # Allow the system to try to resend the chunk a couple of # times before giving up. if chunk_result.ok: offset += 1 retry = 0 elif retry < 3: retry += 1 else: raise RuntimeError( "Could not send chunk %s, ran out of retries" % offset ) return result
[docs] @enable_auth def post_forward(self, payload, **kwargs): # type: (str, **Any) -> Response """Performs a POST on the Forward URL Args: payload: The operation to be executed **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to Requests session call Returns: The API response """ return self.forward_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS, params=kwargs )
[docs] @enable_auth def get_user(self, user_identifier): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a GET on the specific User URL Args: user_identifier: User ID or username Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.get(self.user_url + user_identifier)
[docs] @enable_auth def patch_admin(self, payload): # type: (str) -> Response """Performs a PATCH on the admin URL Args: payload: Serialized PatchOperation Returns: Requests Response object """ return self.session.patch( self.admin_url, data=payload, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS )
[docs] def get_tokens(self, username=None, password=None): # type: (str, str) -> Response """Use a username and password to get access and refresh tokens Args: username: Beergarden username password: Beergarden password Returns: Requests Response object """ response = self.token_url, headers=self.JSON_HEADERS, data=json.dumps( { "username": username or self.username, "password": password or self.password, } ), ) if response.ok: response_data = response.json() self.access_token = response_data["access"] self.session.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + self.access_token return response