Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import time
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import cpu_count

from packaging.version import parse

import brewtils.plugin
from brewtils.errors import (
from brewtils.models import Request
from brewtils.resolvers import UploadResolver, build_resolver_map
from import EasyClient

[docs]class SystemClient(object): """High-level client for generating requests for a Beer-garden System. SystemClient creation: This class is intended to be the main way to create Beer-garden requests. Create an instance with Beer-garden connection information and a system name:: client = SystemClient( system_name='example_system', system_namespace='default', bg_host="host", bg_port=2337, ) Note: Passing an empty string as the system_namespace parameter will evalutate to the local garden's default namespace. Pass additional keyword arguments for more granularity: version_constraint: Allows specifying a particular system version. Can be a version literal ('1.0.0') or the special value 'latest.' Using 'latest' will allow the SystemClient to retry a request if it fails due to a missing system (see Creating Requests). default_instance: The instance name to use when creating a request if no other instance name is specified. Since each request must be addressed to a specific instance this is a convenience to prevent needing to specify the instance for each request. always_update: If True the SystemClient will always attempt to reload the system definition before making a request. This is useful to ensure Requests are always made against the latest version of the system. If not set the System definition will be loaded when making the first request and will only be reloaded if a Request fails. Loading the System: The System definition is lazily loaded, so nothing happens until the first attempt to send a Request. At that point the SystemClient will query Beer-garden to get a system definition that matches the system_name and version_constraint. If no matching System can be found a FetchError will be raised. If always_update was set to True this will happen before making each request, not only the first. Making a Request: The standard way to create and send requests is by calling object attributes:: request = client.example_command(param_1='example_param') In the normal case this will block until the request completes. Request completion is determined by periodically polling Beer-garden to check the Request status. The time between polling requests starts at 0.5s and doubles each time the request has still not completed, up to max_delay. If a timeout was specified and the Request has not completed within that time a ``ConnectionTimeoutError`` will be raised. It is also possible to create the SystemClient in non-blocking mode by specifying blocking=False. In this case the request creation will immediately return a Future and will spawn a separate thread to poll for Request completion. The max_concurrent parameter is used to control the maximum threads available for polling. .. code-block:: python # Create a SystemClient with blocking=False client = SystemClient( system_name='example_system', system_namespace='default', bg_host="localhost", bg_port=2337, blocking=False, ) # Create and send 5 requests without waiting for request completion futures = [client.example_command(param_1=number) for number in range(5)] # Now wait on all requests to complete concurrent.futures.wait(futures) If the request creation process fails (e.g. the command failed validation) and version_constraint is 'latest' then the SystemClient will check to see if a newer version is available, and if so it will attempt to make the request on that version. This is so users of the SystemClient that don't necessarily care about the target system version don't need to be restarted every time the target system is updated. It's also possible to control what happens when a Request results in an ERROR. If the ``raise_on_error`` parameter is set to False (the default) then Requests that are not successful simply result in a Request with a status of ERROR, and it is the plugin developer's responsibility to check for this case. However, if ``raise_on_error`` is set to True then this will result in a ``RequestFailedError`` being raised. This will happen regardless of the value of the ``blocking`` flag. Tweaking Beer-garden Request Parameters: There are several parameters that control how beer-garden routes / processes a request. To denote these as intended for Beer-garden itself (rather than a parameter to be passed to the Plugin) prepend a leading underscore to the argument name. Sending to another instance:: request = client.example_command( _instance_name="instance_2", param_1="example_param" ) Request with a comment:: request = client.example_command( _comment="I'm a beer-garden comment!", param_1="example_param" ) Without the leading underscore the arguments would be treated the same as "param_1" - another parameter to be passed to the plugin. Request that raises:: client = SystemClient( system_name="foo", system_namespace='default', bg_host="localhost", bg_port=2337, ) try: client.command_that_errors(_raise_on_error=True) except RequestFailedError: print("I could have just ignored this") Args: system_name (str): Name of the System to make Requests on system_namespace (str): Namespace of the System to make Requests on version_constraint (str): System version to make Requests on. Can be specific ('1.0.0') or 'latest'. default_instance (str): Name of the Instance to make Requests on always_update (bool): Whether to check if a newer version of the System exists before making each Request. Only relevant if ``version_constraint='latest'`` timeout (int): Seconds to wait for a request to complete. 'None' means wait forever. max_delay (int): Maximum number of seconds to wait between status checks for a created request blocking (bool): Flag indicating whether creation will block until the Request is complete or return a Future that will complete when the Request does max_concurrent (int): Maximum number of concurrent requests allowed. Only has an effect when blocking=False. raise_on_error (bool): Flag controlling whether created Requests that complete with an ERROR state should raise an exception bg_host (str): Beer-garden hostname bg_port (int): Beer-garden port bg_url_prefix (str): URL path that will be used as a prefix when communicating with Beer-garden. Useful if Beer-garden is running on a URL other than '/'. ssl_enabled (bool): Whether to use SSL for Beer-garden communication ca_cert (str): Path to certificate file containing the certificate of the authority that issued the Beer-garden server certificate ca_verify (bool): Whether to verify Beer-garden server certificate client_cert (str): Path to client certificate to use when communicating with Beer-garden api_version (int): Beer-garden API version to use client_timeout (int): Max time to wait for Beer-garden server response username (str): Username for Beer-garden authentication password (str): Password for Beer-garden authentication access_token (str): Access token for Beer-garden authentication refresh_token (str): Refresh token for Beer-garden authentication """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self._loaded = False self._system = None self._commands = None self._system_name = kwargs.get("system_name") self._version_constraint = kwargs.get("version_constraint", "latest") self._default_instance = kwargs.get("default_instance", "default") self._always_update = kwargs.get("always_update", False) self._timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", None) self._max_delay = kwargs.get("max_delay", 30) self._blocking = kwargs.get("blocking", True) self._raise_on_error = kwargs.get("raise_on_error", False) self._system_namespace = kwargs.get( "system_namespace", brewtils.plugin.CONFIG.namespace or "" ) # This is for Python 3.4 compatibility - max_workers MUST be non-None # in that version. This logic is what was added in Python 3.5 max_concurrent = kwargs.get("max_concurrent", (cpu_count() or 1) * 5) self._thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_concurrent) self._easy_client = EasyClient(**kwargs) self._resolvers = build_resolver_map(self._easy_client) def __getattr__(self, item): """Standard way to create and send beer-garden requests""" return self.create_bg_request(item)
[docs] def create_bg_request(self, command_name, **kwargs): """Create a callable that will execute a Beer-garden request when called. Normally you interact with the SystemClient by accessing attributes, but there could be certain cases where you want to create a request without sending it. Example:: client = SystemClient(host, port, 'system', blocking=False) # Create two callables - one with a parameter and one without uncreated_requests = [ client.create_bg_request('command_1', arg_1='Hi!'), client.create_bg_request('command_2'), ] # Calling creates and sends the request # The result of each is a future because blocking=False on the SystemClient futures = [req() for req in uncreated_requests] # Wait for all the futures to complete concurrent.futures.wait(futures) Args: command_name (str): Name of the Command to send kwargs (dict): Will be passed as parameters when creating the Request Returns: Partial that will create and execute a Beer-garden request when called Raises: AttributeError: System does not have a Command with the given command_name """ if not self._loaded or self._always_update: self.load_bg_system() if command_name in self._commands: return partial( self.send_bg_request, _command=command_name,, _system_namespace=self._system.namespace, _system_version=self._system.version, _system_display=self._system.display_name, _output_type=self._commands[command_name].output_type, _instance_name=self._default_instance, **kwargs ) else: raise AttributeError( "System '%s' has no command named '%s'" % (self._system, command_name) )
[docs] def send_bg_request(self, *args, **kwargs): """Actually create a Request and send it to Beer-garden .. note:: This method is intended for advanced use only, mainly cases where you're using the SystemClient without a predefined System. It assumes that everything needed to construct the request is being passed in ``kwargs``. If this doesn't sound like what you want you should check out ``create_bg_request``. Args: args (list): Unused. Passing positional parameters indicates a bug kwargs (dict): All necessary request parameters, including Beer-garden internal parameters Returns: blocking=True: A completed Request object blocking=False: A future that will be completed when the Request does Raises: ValidationError: Request creation failed validation on the server """ # First, if any positional args were given that's a bug, as it means someone # tried to pass a parameter without a key: # client.command_name(param) if args: raise RequestProcessException( "Using positional arguments when creating a request is not allowed. " "Please use keyword arguments instead." ) # Need to pop here, otherwise we'll try to send as a request parameter raise_on_error = kwargs.pop("_raise_on_error", self._raise_on_error) blocking = kwargs.pop("_blocking", self._blocking) timeout = kwargs.pop("_timeout", self._timeout) # If the request fails validation and the version constraint allows, # check for a new version and retry try: request = self._construct_bg_request(**kwargs) request = self._easy_client.create_request( request, blocking=blocking, timeout=timeout ) except ValidationError: if self._system and self._version_constraint == "latest": old_version = self._system.version self.load_bg_system() if old_version != self._system.version: kwargs["_system_version"] = self._system.version return self.send_bg_request(**kwargs) raise # If not blocking just return the future if not blocking: return self._thread_pool.submit( self._wait_for_request, request, raise_on_error, timeout ) # Brew-view before 2.4 doesn't support the blocking flag, so make sure # the request is actually complete before returning return self._wait_for_request(request, raise_on_error, timeout)
[docs] def load_bg_system(self): """Query beer-garden for a System definition This method will make the query to beer-garden for a System matching the name and version constraints specified during SystemClient instance creation. If this method completes successfully the SystemClient will be ready to create and send Requests. Returns: None Raises: FetchError: Unable to find a matching System """ if self._version_constraint == "latest": self._system = self._determine_latest( self._easy_client.find_systems( name=self._system_name, namespace=self._system_namespace ) ) else: self._system = self._easy_client.find_unique_system( name=self._system_name, version=self._version_constraint, namespace=self._system_namespace, ) if self._system is None: raise FetchError( "Beer-garden has no system named '%s' with a version matching '%s' in " "namespace '%s'" % ( self._system_name, self._version_constraint, self._system_namespace if self._system_namespace else "<garden default>", ) ) self._commands = { command for command in self._system.commands} self._loaded = True
def _wait_for_request(self, request, raise_on_error, timeout): """Poll the server until the request is completed or errors""" delay_time = 0.5 total_wait_time = 0 while request.status not in Request.COMPLETED_STATUSES: if timeout and 0 < timeout < total_wait_time: raise TimeoutExceededError( "Timeout waiting for request '%s' to complete" % str(request) ) time.sleep(delay_time) total_wait_time += delay_time delay_time = min(delay_time * 2, self._max_delay) request = self._easy_client.find_unique_request( if raise_on_error and request.status == "ERROR": raise RequestFailedError(request) return request def _get_parent_for_request(self): parent = getattr(brewtils.plugin.request_context, "current_request", None) if parent is None: return None if brewtils.plugin.CONFIG and ( brewtils.plugin.CONFIG.bg_host.upper() != self._easy_client.client.bg_host.upper() or brewtils.plugin.CONFIG.bg_port != self._easy_client.client.bg_port ): self._logger.warning( "A parent request was found, but the destination beer-garden " "appears to be different than the beer-garden to which this plugin " "is assigned. Cross-server parent/child requests are not supported " "at this time. Removing the parent context so the request doesn't fail." ) return None return Request(id=str( def _construct_bg_request(self, **kwargs): """Create a request that can be used with EasyClient.create_request""" command = kwargs.pop("_command", None) system_name = kwargs.pop("_system_name", None) system_version = kwargs.pop("_system_version", None) system_display = kwargs.pop("_system_display", None) system_namespace = kwargs.pop("_system_namespace", None) instance_name = kwargs.pop("_instance_name", None) comment = kwargs.pop("_comment", None) output_type = kwargs.pop("_output_type", None) metadata = kwargs.pop("_metadata", {}) parent = kwargs.pop("_parent", self._get_parent_for_request()) if system_display: metadata["system_display_name"] = system_display # Don't check namespace - if command is None: raise ValidationError("Unable to send a request with no command") if system_name is None: raise ValidationError("Unable to send a request with no system name") if system_version is None: raise ValidationError("Unable to send a request with no system version") if instance_name is None: raise ValidationError("Unable to send a request with no instance name") request = Request( command=command, system=system_name, system_version=system_version, namespace=system_namespace, instance_name=instance_name, comment=comment, output_type=output_type, parent=parent, metadata=metadata, parameters=kwargs, ) request.parameters = self._resolve_parameters(command, request) return request def _resolve_parameters(self, command, request): file_params = self._commands[command].parameter_keys_by_type("Base64") resolver = UploadResolver(request, file_params, self._resolvers) return resolver.resolve_parameters() @staticmethod def _determine_latest(systems): return ( sorted(systems, key=lambda x: parse(x.version), reverse=True)[0] if systems else None )