Source code for brewtils.log

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Brewtils Logging Utilities

This module streamlines loading logging configuration from Beergarden.

    To use this just call ``configure_logging`` sometime before you initialize
    your Plugin object:

    .. code-block:: python

        from brewtils import configure_logging, get_connection_info, Plugin

        # Load BG connection info from environment and command line args
        connection_info = get_connection_info(sys.argv[1:])

        configure_logging(system_name='systemX', **connection_info)

        plugin = Plugin(

import copy
import logging.config
import os
import warnings

import brewtils

# Loggers to always use. These are things that generally,
# people do not want to see and/or are too verbose.
    "pika": {"level": "ERROR"},
    "requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool": {"level": "WARN"},
    "yapconf": {"level": "WARN"},

# A simple default format/formatter. Generally speaking, the API should return
# formatters, but since users can configure their logging it's better if the
# formatter has a logical backup.
DEFAULT_FORMAT = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
    "default": {
        "format": DEFAULT_FORMAT

# A simple default handler. Generally speaking, the API should return
# handlers, but since users can configure their logging it's better if the
# handler has a logical backup.
    "default": {
        "class": "logging.StreamHandler",
        "formatter": "default",
        "stream": "ext://sys.stdout"

# The template that plugins will use to log
    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "formatters": {},
    "handlers": {},
    "loggers": DEFAULT_LOGGERS,

# If no logging was configured, this will be used as the logging configuration
    "version": 1,
    "disable_existing_loggers": False,
    "formatters": DEFAULT_FORMATTERS,
    "handlers": DEFAULT_HANDLERS,
    "loggers": DEFAULT_LOGGERS,
    "root": {
        "level": os.environ.get("BG_LOG_LEVEL", "INFO"),
        "handlers": ["default"]

[docs]def configure_logging(system_name=None, **kwargs): """Load and enable a logging configuration from Beergarden NOTE: This method will overwrite the current logging configuration. Args: system_name: Name of the system to load **kwargs: Beergarden connection parameters Returns: None """ config = get_logging_config(system_name=system_name, **kwargs) logging.config.dictConfig(config)
[docs]def get_logging_config(system_name=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve a logging configuration from Beergarden Args: system_name: Name of the system to load **kwargs: Beergarden connection parameters Returns: dict: The logging configuration for the specified system """ config = brewtils.get_easy_client(**kwargs).get_logging_config(system_name) return convert_logging_config(config)
[docs]def convert_logging_config(logging_config): """Transform a LoggingConfig object into a Python logging configuration Args: logging_config: Beergarden logging config Returns: dict: The logging configuration """ config_to_return = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_PLUGIN_LOGGING_TEMPLATE) if logging_config.handlers: handlers = logging_config.handlers else: handlers = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_HANDLERS) config_to_return['handlers'] = handlers if logging_config.formatters: formatters = logging_config.formatters else: formatters = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_FORMATTERS) config_to_return['formatters'] = formatters config_to_return['root'] = { "level": logging_config.level, "handlers": list(config_to_return['handlers']) } return config_to_return
[docs]def setup_logger( bg_host, bg_port, system_name, ca_cert=None, client_cert=None, ssl_enabled=None ): """DEPRECATED: Set Python logging to use configuration from Beergarden API This method is deprecated - consider using :func:`configure_logging` This method will overwrite the current logging configuration. Args: bg_host (str): Beergarden host bg_port (int): Beergarden port system_name (str): Name of the system ca_cert (str): Path to CA certificate file client_cert (str): Path to client certificate file ssl_enabled (bool): Use SSL when connection to Beergarden Returns: None """ warnings.warn("This function is deprecated and will be removed in version " "4.0, please consider using 'configure_logging' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) config = get_python_logging_config( bg_host=bg_host, bg_port=bg_port, system_name=system_name, ca_cert=ca_cert, client_cert=client_cert, ssl_enabled=ssl_enabled) logging.config.dictConfig(config)
[docs]def get_python_logging_config( bg_host, bg_port, system_name, ca_cert=None, client_cert=None, ssl_enabled=None ): """DEPRECATED: Get Beergarden's logging configuration This method is deprecated - consider using :func:`get_logging_config` Args: bg_host (str): Beergarden host bg_port (int): Beergarden port system_name (str): Name of the system ca_cert (str): Path to CA certificate file client_cert (str): Path to client certificate file ssl_enabled (bool): Use SSL when connection to Beergarden Returns: dict: The logging configuration for the specified system """ warnings.warn("This function is deprecated and will be removed in version " "4.0, please consider using 'get_logging_config' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) client = brewtils.get_easy_client( host=bg_host, port=bg_port, ssl_enabled=ssl_enabled, ca_cert=ca_cert, client_cert=client_cert, ) logging_config = client.get_logging_config(system_name=system_name) return convert_logging_config(logging_config)