Source code for

import logging
import warnings

from brewtils.errors import BrewmasterFetchError, BrewmasterValidationError, BrewmasterSaveError, \
    BrewmasterDeleteError, BrewmasterConnectionError, BGNotFoundError, BGConflictError, \
from brewtils.models import Event, PatchOperation
from import RestClient
from brewtils.schema_parser import SchemaParser

[docs]class EasyClient(object): """Client for communicating with beer-garden. This class provides nice wrappers around the functionality provided by a :py:class:`` :param host: beer-garden REST API hostname. :param port: beer-garden REST API port. :param ssl_enabled: Flag indicating whether to use HTTPS when communicating with beer-garden. :param api_version: The beer-garden REST API version. Will default to the latest version. :param ca_cert: beer-garden REST API server CA certificate. :param client_cert: The client certificate to use when making requests. :param parser: The parser to use. If None will default to an instance of BrewmasterSchemaParser. :param logger: The logger to use. If None one will be created. :param url_prefix: beer-garden REST API URL Prefix. :param ca_verify: Flag indicating whether to verify server certificate when making a request. """ def __init__(self, host, port, ssl_enabled=False, api_version=None, ca_cert=None, client_cert=None, parser=None, logger=None, url_prefix=None, ca_verify=True): self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.parser = parser or SchemaParser() self.client = RestClient(host=host, port=port, ssl_enabled=ssl_enabled, api_version=api_version, ca_cert=ca_cert, client_cert=client_cert, url_prefix=url_prefix, ca_verify=ca_verify)
[docs] def get_version(self, **kwargs): response = self.client.get_version(**kwargs) if response.ok: return response else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterFetchError)
[docs] def find_unique_system(self, **kwargs): """Find a unique system using keyword arguments as search parameters. :param kwargs: Search parameters :return: One system instance """ if 'id' in kwargs: return self._find_system_by_id(kwargs.pop('id'), **kwargs) else: systems = self.find_systems(**kwargs) if not systems: return None if len(systems) > 1: raise BrewmasterFetchError("More than one system found that specifies " "the given constraints") return systems[0]
[docs] def find_systems(self, **kwargs): """Find systems using keyword arguments as search parameters. :param kwargs: Search parameters :return: A list of system instances satisfying the given search parameters """ response = self.client.get_systems(**kwargs) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_system(response.json(), many=True) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterFetchError)
def _find_system_by_id(self, system_id, **kwargs): """Finds a system by id, convert JSON to a system object and return it.""" response = self.client.get_system(system_id, **kwargs) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_system(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterFetchError, raise_404=False)
[docs] def create_system(self, system): """Create a new system by POSTing to a BREWMASTER server. :param system: The system to create :return: The system creation response """ json_system = self.parser.serialize_system(system) response = self.client.post_systems(json_system) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_system(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterSaveError)
[docs] def update_system(self, system_id, new_commands=None, **kwargs): """Update a system with a PATCH :param system_id: The ID of the system to update :param new_commands: The new commands :Keyword Arguments: * *metadata* (``dict``) The updated metadata for the system * *description* (``str``) The updated description for the system * *display_name* (``str``) The updated display_name for the system * *icon_name* (``str``) The updated icon_name for the system :return: The response """ operations = [] metadata = kwargs.pop("metadata", {}) if new_commands: operations.append(PatchOperation('replace', '/commands', self.parser.serialize_command(new_commands, to_string=False, many=True))) if metadata: operations.append(PatchOperation('update', '/metadata', metadata)) for attr, value in kwargs.items(): if value is not None: operations.append(PatchOperation('replace', '/%s' % attr, value)) response = self.client.patch_system(system_id, self.parser.serialize_patch(operations, many=True)) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_system(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterSaveError)
[docs] def remove_system(self, **kwargs): """Remove a specific system using keyword arguments as search parameters. :param kwargs: Search parameters :return: The response """ system = self.find_unique_system(**kwargs) if system is None: raise BrewmasterFetchError("Could not find system matching the given search parameters") return self._remove_system_by_id(
def _remove_system_by_id(self, system_id): if system_id is None: raise BrewmasterDeleteError("Cannot delete a system without an id") response = self.client.delete_system(system_id) if response.ok: return True else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterDeleteError)
[docs] def initialize_instance(self, instance_id): """Start an instance by PATCHing to a BREWMASTER server. :param instance_id: The ID of the instance to start :return: The start response """ response = self.client.patch_instance(instance_id, self.parser.serialize_patch( PatchOperation('initialize') )) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_instance(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterSaveError)
[docs] def update_instance_status(self, instance_id, new_status): """Update an instance by PATCHing to a BREWMASTER server. :param instance_id: The ID of the instance to start :param new_status: The updated status :return: The start response """ payload = PatchOperation('replace', '/status', new_status) response = self.client.patch_instance(instance_id, self.parser.serialize_patch(payload)) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_instance(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterSaveError)
[docs] def instance_heartbeat(self, instance_id): """Send heartbeat to BREWMASTER for health and status purposes :param instance_id: The ID of the instance :return: The response """ payload = PatchOperation('heartbeat') response = self.client.patch_instance(instance_id, self.parser.serialize_patch(payload)) if response.ok: return True else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterSaveError)
[docs] def find_unique_request(self, **kwargs): """Find a unique request using keyword arguments as search parameters. .. note:: If 'id' is present in kwargs then all other parameters will be ignored. :param kwargs: Search parameters :return: One request instance """ if 'id' in kwargs: return self._find_request_by_id(kwargs.pop('id')) else: requests = self.find_requests(**kwargs) if not requests: return None if len(requests) > 1: raise BrewmasterFetchError("More than one request found that specifies " "the given constraints") return requests[0]
[docs] def find_requests(self, **kwargs): """Find requests using keyword arguments as search parameters. :param kwargs: Search parameters :return: A list of request instances satisfying the given search parameters """ response = self.client.get_requests(**kwargs) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_request(response.json(), many=True) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterFetchError)
def _find_request_by_id(self, request_id): """Finds a request by id, convert JSON to a request object and return it.""" response = self.client.get_request(request_id) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_request(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterFetchError, raise_404=False)
[docs] def create_request(self, request): """Create a new request. :param request: The request to create :return: The response """ json_request = self.parser.serialize_request(request) response = self.client.post_requests(json_request) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_request(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterSaveError)
[docs] def update_request(self, request_id, status=None, output=None, error_class=None): """Set various fields on a request with a PATCH :param request_id: The ID of the request to update :param status: The new status :param output: The new output :param error_class: The new error class :return: The response """ operations = [] if status: operations.append(PatchOperation('replace', '/status', status)) if output: operations.append(PatchOperation('replace', '/output', output)) if error_class: operations.append(PatchOperation('replace', '/error_class', error_class)) response = self.client.patch_request(request_id, self.parser.serialize_patch(operations, many=True)) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_request(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterSaveError)
[docs] def get_logging_config(self, system_name): """Get the logging configuration for a particular system. :param system_name: Name of system :return: LoggingConfig object """ response = self.client.get_logging_config(system_name=system_name) if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_logging_config(response.json()) else: self._handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterConnectionError)
[docs] def publish_event(self, *args, **kwargs): """Publish a new event. :param args: The Event to create :param _publishers: Optional list of specific publishers. If None all publishers will be used. :param kwargs: If no Event is given in the *args, on will be constructed from the kwargs :return: The response """ publishers = kwargs.pop('_publishers', None) json_event = self.parser.serialize_event(args[0] if args else Event(**kwargs)) response = self.client.post_event(json_event, publishers=publishers) if response.ok: return True else: self._handle_response_failure(response)
[docs] def get_queues(self): """Retrieve all queue information :return: The response """ response = self.client.get_queues() if response.ok: return self.parser.parse_queue(response.json(), many=True) else: self._handle_response_failure(response)
[docs] def clear_queue(self, queue_name): """Cancel and clear all messages from a queue :return: The response """ response = self.client.delete_queue(queue_name) if response.ok: return True else: self._handle_response_failure(response)
[docs] def clear_all_queues(self): """Cancel and clear all messages from all queues :return: The response """ response = self.client.delete_queues() if response.ok: return True else: self._handle_response_failure(response)
@staticmethod def _handle_response_failure(response, default_exc=BrewmasterRestError, raise_404=True): if response.status_code == 404: if raise_404: raise BGNotFoundError(response.json()) else: return None elif response.status_code == 409: raise BGConflictError(response.json()) elif 400 <= response.status_code < 500: raise BrewmasterValidationError(response.json()) elif response.status_code == 503: raise BrewmasterConnectionError(response.json()) else: raise default_exc(response.json())
[docs]class BrewmasterEasyClient(EasyClient): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn("Call made to 'BrewmasterEasyClient'. This name will be removed in version " "3.0, please use " "'EasyClient' instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) super(BrewmasterEasyClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)